Ex rental and used production company stock

Buy at rock bottom prices, save on hire fees

Sound Equipment

Microphones, mixers, speakers and accessories

Lighting Equipment

Spotlights, floodlights, PAR cans, stands, dimmers and mixing desks

Save the planet and save money too

Go green, re-cycling is environmentally friendly

Hurry, don't delay!

Offers are strictly limited, buy now whilst stocks last

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Sold - Optikinetics Opti Trilite Ladder Truss - 2m Straight Sections - £45 each

This will be the very last of the current tranche of truss. As can be seen from the picture below, on offer are 6 pieces of 2 metre long straight ladder section truss. They have all been very lightly used are in near mint condition.
Due to their length, they are above the size that can be sent cheaply using regular carriage services, so it might be best to call and collect, the good news is that this size will fit inside even smaller hatchback cars (with a little care). Alternatively I may be able to arrange personal delivery, subject to a suitable time slot.

For sale Trilite truss - cheapest price in the UK?

Each length will be sold with 2 spigots and mounting fixings.

The price is just £45, this should be the cheapest price in the UK, unfortunately I am not able to go any lower, that is the final price, take it or find better elsewhere if you can.


23/06/14 - Offer received
25/06/14 - Payment received - NOW SOLD
05/07/14 - Delivered to customer

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Sold - Optikinetics Opti Trilite Truss - 90 Degree Angle Sections - £20 each

On offer are 2 90 degree angle sections, the Optikinetics part number is 2TR5290. They have been lightly used, so are not mint, but are certainly better than anything else you are likely to find on the 2nd hand market in the UK.

For sale Trilite truss - cheapest price in the UK?

The price is just £20, this should be the cheapest price in the UK, but if you can find better, drop me a line via the contact page and I will do my best to match it.

Feel free to call and collect, alternatively, carriage by courier will be £10.

For sale Trilite truss - lightly used


05/01/14 - Both units sold

Sold - Optikinetics Opti Trilite Truss - Base Plates £10 each

On offer are 2 small base plates, the Optikinetics part number is 3ABP3T. The base plates have been drilled and countersunk for what looks like size 8 wood screws, no doubt to fit to a stage or wooden spreader plates. They have been lightly used, so are not mint, but are certainly better than anything else you are likely to find on the 2nd hand market in the UK.

Each plate will be sold with 3 mounting fixings.

The price is just £10, this should be the cheapest price in the UK, but if you can find better, drop me a line via the contact page and I will do my best to match it.

Feel free to call and collect, alternatively, carriage by courier will be £10.

For sale Trilite truss - base plates have been drilled and countersunk

For sale Trilite truss - cheapest price in the UK?


23/11/2013 - Both Items Now Sold - That was quick work!

Sold - Optikinetics Opti Trilite Truss - 0.6 m Straight Sections - £15 each

On offer are 2 pieces of 0.6 metre long straight section, the Optikinetics part number is 2TR600.200. They have all been lightly used, so are not mint, but are certainly better than anything else you are likely to find on the 2nd hand market in the UK.

Each length will be sold with 3 spigots and mounting fixings.

The price is just £15, this should be the cheapest price in the UK, but if you can find better, drop me a line via the contact page and I will do my best to match it.

Feel free to call and collect, alternatively, carriage by courier will be £10.

Optikinetics Opti Trilite - 2TR600.200


20/04/14 - Currently under negotiation for sale of a matching pair.
24/04/14 - Matching pair sold, one additional piece left in stock.
28/04/14 - Last one left in stock!
10/06/15 - Sold Out

Sold - Optikinetics Opti Trilite Truss - 1m Straight Section - £25 each

On offer are 2 pieces of 1 metre long straight section, the Optikinetics part number is 2TR1000. They have all been lightly used, so are not mint, but are certainly better than anything else you are likely to find on the 2nd hand market in the UK.

Each length will be sold with 3 spigots and mounting fixings.

The price is just £25, this should be the cheapest price in the UK, but if you can find better, drop me a line via the contact page and I will do my best to match it.

Feel free to call and collect, alternatively, carriage by courier will be £10.

Trilite truss for sale - sold with fittings


23/11/2013 - 1 Sold - Last one left, best be quick if you want this!
05/01/2014 - Last unit sold

Sold - Optikinetics Opti Trilite Truss - 2m Straight Sections - £45 each

On offer are 9 pieces of 2 metre long straight section, the Optikinetics part number is 2TR2000. They have all been lightly used, so are not mint, but are certainly better than anything else you are likely to find on the 2nd hand market in the UK.
Due to their length, they are above the size that can be sent cheaply using regular carriage services, so it might be best to call and collect, the good news is that this size will fit inside even smaller hatchback cars (with a little care). Alternatively I may be able to arrange personal delivery, subject to a suitable time slot.

Each length will be sold with 3 spigots and mounting fixings.

The price is just £45, this should be the cheapest price in the UK, but if you can find better, drop me a line via the contact page and I will do my best to match it.

Trilite truss - sold with mounting fixing


21/11/2003 - 2 Now Sold - Just 7 left
23/11/2013 - 2 More Sold - Just 5 left
24/11/2013 - 5 Sold - Collection Arranged - 28/11/2013
28/11/2013 - Buyer pulled out due to insufficient funds to purchase - Just 5 left
30/11/2013 - Please, no more tyre kickers, dreamers or wannabe techs! Serious offers accepted
24/12/2013 - Last 5 sold subject to pending payment
02/01/2014 - Sold and Delivered - No more stock left

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Rigging Hardware - Optikinetics Opti Trilite Truss Collection

This week is a bit of a hiatus from the recent flurry of work and I have had a chance to set about clearing out some Optikinetics Opti Trilite trussing that isn't getting used as much as it should. If you've made it to this page, you probably don't need to be told how useful trussing is, or the multitude applications it has. But I bet you didn't know that Truss is derived from Old French trousse, which means "collection of things bound together".

Originally bought by a company as their exhibition stand, I used it for a number of jobs, most notably in a "goal post"configuration in a room with a terrible low ceiling. Thankfully that room is not used for events any more, but then neither is my Trilite trussing.

So here's a quick list of parts of the parts I am collecting:

9 of 2 Metre straight sections, part number 2TR2000
2 of 1 Metre straight section, part number 2TR1000
3 of 0.6 Metre straight sections, part number 2TR600.200
2 of 90 degree 2 way right angle sections, part number 2TR5290
2 of small base plates, part number 3ABP3T 
Huge number of truss joiners, nuts and bolts

The 2 Metre sections are too long to send by regular courier service, so they will have to be collected. For multiple items I would be able to arrange personal delivery, as has been the case with other oversized items listed on this website.

Time to move this truss!

Don't forget Opti Trilite 200 is the original aluminium truss system,it is a highly versatile, strong 2 inch aluminium tube truss system used in exhibition halls all over the world.  Opti Trilite is perfect for all types of temporary or permanent structures inside or out.

OPTI Trilite 200 is produced in three formats Ladder (2 main tubes), Triangular (3 main tubes) and Quad (4 main tubes). Here are its key features
  • Opti Trilite 200 has a simple M10 Nylock high tensile nut and bolt system
  • Opti Trilite 200 is quick and easy to assemble
  • Opti Trilite 200 has great length to weight and loadbearing qualities
  • Opti Trilite 200 has 10 Straight Lengths from 0.4m to 8.0m
  • Opti Trilite 200 Curved Sections to maximum length of approximately 2.0m to any radius over 0.8m
  • Opti Trilite 200 has junctions from 2 Way to 6 Way in all formats
  • Extensive range of Opti Trilite 200 Accessories


21/11/2013 - I posted the above picture on the Dodgy Technicians Facebook Group and created quite a stir, my method of transportation seemed perfectly legit to me.
21/11/2013 - 2 sections of 2 Metre sold and collected.
23/11/2013 - 2 sections of 2 Metre, 1 section of 1 Metre and 2 base plates sold and collected.